How many degrees is the water heater appropriate and save electricity?

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How many degrees of water heater adjustment is appropriate and save electricity is a problem that varies from person to person. Generally speaking, the temperature requirement of the human body for bath water is between 37-40 degrees Celsius, so it is appropriate to adjust the water heater to this temperature range. This temperature can provide a comfortable bath experience without causing irritation to the skin.

How many degrees of water heater adjustment is appropriate and save electricity is a problem that varies from person to person. Generally speaking, the temperature requirement of the human body for bath water is between 37-40 degrees Celsius, so it is appropriate to adjust the water heater to this temperature range. This temperature can provide a comfortable bath experience without causing irritation to the skin.

In terms of power saving, the higher the temperature of the water heater, the greater the energy consumption. According to the principle of thermodynamics, the higher the set temperature, the more energy the water heater needs to heat. Therefore, lowering the temperature of the water heater can effectively save energy and reduce the energy expenditure of the household.

However, while lowering the temperature, we must also consider the actual needs. If there are young children or the elderly at home, they are more sensitive to water temperature. In order to ensure their safety and comfort, the temperature of the water heater can be adjusted to a higher level, but still be careful not to adjust it too high.

In short, the temperature of the water heater should be adjusted according to personal needs and actual conditions, considering both comfort and power saving. You can adjust the temperature step by step to find the most suitable temperature setting. In addition, the rational use of water heaters, such as avoiding prolonged immersion and turning off the water heater in time, can further save energy.